Love is friendship set on fire.


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, December 20, 2010


Well, I'll be 9 weeks pregnant on Wednesday the 22nd. We are so excited!!! If it's not a boy, i'm afraid to say it may be the end of Aaron. Bless his heart. I have no preference, really I don't, as long as it's healthy, of course. I've been SUPER SICKY SICK! I guess that's a good thing though. July 27th, 2011 is our due date. Yay for a summer baby in Show Low and not another winter one. :))
Take note, that this was taken at the end of the day and after I ate a really big meal. I don't always poke out this much.


  1. Your tummy looks so cute!! Can't wait to see you on Thursday! I think it is a girl...sorry Aaron.

  2. hooray! I'm so excited for you!!!! ps. love the blog!

  3. Congratulations Maggie, that's awesome! You need to send me your email!

  4. will you please update your blog?!?! It's been far too long....

  5. ??? huh, someone actually reads this thing, haha. I know if bloging were my job, I'd be so fired! I just need more hours in the day, crap. Soon my dearest Adree, soon.
